I. What is Kaiser Long Term Health Care?
It is our prime product in providing a long term healthcare beyond our senior years. It provides the needed security and protection for our healthcare needs on our retirement years. This will ensure we retire with peace of mind as we will be assured that we have money for our healthcare needs.
However, Kaiser is not a pre-need for you can use it as soon as you pay your first investment. It is also accredited by major hospitals such as Makati Medical, St. Lukes, Asian Medical among many others. It is registered and controlled by Government regulating bodies: SEC-Securities and Exchange Commission, DoH- Department of Health.
When we get our Kaiser Long Term Healthcare, we actually get not just a Healthcare but also , Life Insurance, and Investment rolled into one. A portion of our funds goes to Mutual Fund Investment and the funds are managed by no less than the best fund manager in the Philippines. In essence it is a complete financial plan.
When I was employed, I was given a short term healthcare. It is my protection in case I get hospitalized. I am covered with an insurance that in case I get sick or hospitalized, I have a card I can use to get into a hospital and pay for my bills. It is short term for the company pays it to cover me just for one year and for as long as I am with the company. It is paid every year whether I use it or not. Nothing is retrieved back. It is popularly called HMO.
As differentiated from this short term health care, Kaiser is only paid for 7 Years , and you do not have to pay afterwards. Unlike the Short Term Healthcare, Kaiser Long Term covers you beyond 60 years of age. In fact, for as long as there is fund in your Kaiser Long Term Health Care, you can continually use it. Not just for hospitalization but for anything, for anyone, anywhere in the world after the 20th year for Kaiser Ultimate . Kaiser also gives you the advantage to retrieve back what you pay if you do not get sick. When it matures, you gain back more than what you have paid.
II. Why is Kaiser Level 1 Investing
In investing, we learned that there are 3 major factors we have to consider. These are: Amount of money you invest, the Rate of Return , and the Time you allow your money to grow.
On the Rate of Return, we also know that the higher the Risk we take, the higher the rate of return we can have. Since Kaiser is guaranteed to yield no less than 8% interest annually after it matures, then it offers the least risk versus direct investments in the Stock Market. So it qualifies under Level 1 investment alongside Savings Deposits, Time Deposits, Corporate and Government Securities/Bonds. But, definitely, Kaiser offers the distinct advantage of a relatively higher return than most of these Level-1 Investment vehicles you can ride on.
Kaiser offers also the advantage of disciplined approach in investing for all our major financial needs: Healthcare for Old age, Insurance Protection, Money for Retirement Needs, Emergency Funds. All Four in One needs which you can start up to invest on with very little amount of money as low as 88 Php per day.
I consider it also as level 1 not just because of the guaranteed growth but also because it also develops the habit of investing. For first time investors, the real challenge is not how to pick the investment vehicle that gives the highest return. The challenge is really how to make sure we keep on investing. In other words, the challenge of a new investor is really to develop the habit of investing.
Finally, I consider Kaiser as the first level of investing for it answers the basic investment goals and it guarantees success no matter what happens to us. If we live long and do not get sick we win. If we get sick while investing, we win. If even on the worst case, that someone who has Kaiser dies or is disabled, he still wins. Why? Because in any of these aforementioned circumstances, you or your beneficiary will have benefits or gains from what you invested in.
III. Why Do We Start with Level 1
IMG Members who opt to pursue the Business Ownership Program needs to get into Level 1 Investing for we want to do our own investing the proper way. We want to make sure we follow the Solid Financial Foundation. We want to be financially secured and succeed in our own investing. We do not worry whether the market goes down or up for we are assured that our money will grow no matter how the market moves. We need to Walk the Talk. We have to Model the way of Building a Solid Financial Foundation.
Once we have our Level 1 Investing and we still have extra money for Level 2, then we can proceed with our Level 2 Investing.
If you want to JOIN IMG, or get your LEVEL 1 Protection, just give us a call or text at
0920-902-1217 or email us at
Be blessed!
Benj Santiago
Senior Executive Vice Chairman IMG
Truly Rich Makers Founder